Date(s) - 28/08/2014
19:00 - 22:00
Trinity Church Hall
The new venue and the new format are working well and this time we’re looking for volunteers to talk us through their choice of hardware and software. We have robots, 3D printers and quad/hex copters, all with quite a learning curve which can act as a barrier to people jumping in. It would be very useful to get an overview of the device, what’s available in the market, why a particular choice was made and hands on experiences. A brief chat is cool or if you want to go a bit more into detail that would be great. I’m sure we can borrow Tim’s projector if needed.
Andy from www.cedarcroftproductions.
If you have a project bring it along to show off to the assemblage and remember, no project is complete without LEDs. Lots of LEDs.
The main question is of course, will there be cake?